Home Initial Set Up Sync Node Generate Participation Keys Folks Finance Consensus Go Online Update Node Renew PartKeys Go Offline Switch Between ALGO/VOI Nodes

Algorand Node Guide / UBUNTU

Follow these commands exactly & in order unless otherwise noted.

Initial Set Up

¹ Create a folder to hold the install package and files.

mkdir ~/node
cd ~/node

² Download the updater script

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/algorand/go-algorand/rel/stable/cmd/updater/update.sh

³ Ensure that your system knows it's an executable file.

chmod 744 update.sh

⁴ Run the installer from within your node directory

./update.sh -i -c stable -p ~/node -d ~/node/data -n

⁵ Set goal default to $ALGORAND_DATA as the data directory

export ALGORAND_DATA="$HOME/node/data" export PATH="$HOME/node:$PATH"

⁶ Start your node

goal node start

Sync Node with Network using Fast Catchup

¹ Obtain catchup point per network by visiting link below
Save the values contained in the link as you will need in the next step

MainNet Catchup Point



² Monitor & Wait for node to fully sync

Node will be fully synced when ALL catchpoint lines disappear
& when Sync Time continously resets to 0s (This process can take 1-2 hours)
Once your node is caught up, CTRL + C to exit status watch & proceed

goal node status -w 1000

Example of fully synced node

Generate Participation Keys

¹ Generate Participation Keys For Your Desired Address

NOTE: You do not NEED to import your wallet

NOTE: If using Folks Finance, use your ESCROW ADDRESS


goal -d ~/node/data account addpartkey -a WALLET-ADDRESS --roundFirstValid=CURRENT-BLOCK --roundLastValid=CURRENTBLOCK+2MILLION

Folks Finance Consensus

NOTE: This section is only to be done if you plan on using Folks Finance
for governance. If you do not intend on using Folks Finance, proceed
to the next section, Go Online.

¹ Display Your Participation Key Info

goal account partkeyinfo

² Navigate to Folks Finance dApp

³ Register To Go Online

NOTE: You have completed the Algorand node guide. Wait at least 320 rounds(blocks) to validate that the node is participating.

NOTE: If you are running D13's VOI install alongside this Algorand node on the same machine, GO TO THE Switch Between ALGO/VOI Nodes section for important information.

Congratulations, you have succesfully joined Algorand Consensus. You are now an Algorand noderunner.

Go Online (Using Your Own Address)

¹ Display Your Participation Key Info

goal account partkeyinfo

² Navigate to AlgoTools dApp

³ Register To Go Online

NOTE: You have completed the Algorand node guide. Wait at least 320 rounds(blocks) to validate that the node is participating.

NOTE: If you are running D13's VOI install alongside this Algorand node on the same machine, GO TO THE Switch Between ALGO/VOI Nodes section for important information.

Congratulations, you have successfully joined Algorand Consensus. You are now an Algorand noderunner.

Update Node

¹ Display Current Build

goal version -v

² Run The Update Command

NOTE: My node is already using the latest build.
When you run this command, if an update exists,
the update will be applied.

cd node
./update.sh -d ~/node/data

³ Verify Update/Display Current Build

goal version -v

Renew Participation Keys

¹ Display Current Participation Key Info

goal account partkeyinfo

² Using The Information From goal account partkeyinfo, Create A New Participation Key
that is less than the last voting round

Generate New Participation Keys

³ Generate Participation Keys For Your Desired Address


goal -d ~/node/data account addpartkey -a WALLET-ADDRESS --roundFirstValid=CURRENT-BLOCK --roundLastValid=CURRENTBLOCK+2MILLION

Sign The Updated Keyreg Transaction

³ Use Folks Finance or AlgoTools to Sign Updated Keyreg


Go Offline

¹ Go Offline with Folks Finance Consensus

¹ Go Offline using AlgoTools

Switch Between ALGO/VOI Nodes

  • These instructions are only applicable if you used D13's VOI guide & this ALGORAND guide.
  • An easy way to figure out what network your goal command defaults to:
    Completely close CLI > Open CLI > goal node status

    NOTE: After using goal node status, look at the Genesis ID in the output.
    If it displays VOI, you will create an alias for the Algorand side.
    If it displays ALGO, you will create an alias for the VOI side.

    ¹ Create an alias using vim

    vim ~/.bashrc

    ² Copy the alias below and insert using vim

    alias goal2='goal -d ~/node/data'


    alias goal2='goal -d /var/lib/algorand'

    ³ Install the .bashrc

    source ~/.bashrc

    You can now use goal2 in order to utilize goal commands from your secondary node. See below: